1. The Dardanup Art Spectacular is open to all Australian residents. Artists may enter up to a total of two individual pieces of art either in the same or separate categories. One individual piece of art cannot be submitted for two or more separate categories.
2. Dardanup residents can enter up to a total of three individual pieces of art in the same or separate categories. One individual piece of art cannot be submitted for two or more separate categories.
3. Category A – Any subject, any medium (except photography or digital prints) and can be two or three dimensional.
4. Category B – Theme – “RHYTHM”. The artist may interpret and convey the theme either as representational, metaphorical, symbolic, or abstract. Or in any other way the artist chooses (any medium, except photography or digital prints) and can be two or three dimensional. Photography should be submitted to Category F.
5. Category C – PORTRAIT. This must be of a real person who is known to the artist and who was living at the time the portrait was produced. They must also have given written permission for their portrait to be entered and displayed at the Dardanup Art Spectacular (see portrait consent form here). 2D works in any media (except photography or digital prints) will be accepted.
6. Category D — PHOTOGRAPHY. All photography must be wholly the work of the Entrant. Only images that have not been published nationally can be entered. Photographic Prints must be mounted using mat board (black or white mat only) and backing board and must not exceed 40cm x 50cm, including the mount. Prints must be FIRMLY attached to the mounting (No coloured mount/or framed photos will be accepted). Please ensure mount sizing is correct as an incorrect mount may result in rejection of the work. Photography awards will be made for two sub-categories: 1. Any subject; and 2. The theme “RHYTHM”. Photographic prints addressing the theme “RHYTHM” should be entered as Category F.
7. Category E – 3-DIMENSIONAL ARTWORK. This includes sculpture, jewellery and ceramics etc.
Work must not exceed 2 metres in any direction. The installation of extremely heavy or delicate pieces must be discussed with the curator. Any electrical components must be tested and tagged. The work must be safe, stable and self supporting.
8. Category F – Theme “RHYTHM” – Photography. The photographer may interpret and convey the theme either as representational, metaphorical, symbolic, or abstract.
All photography must be wholly the work of the Entrant. Only images that have not been published nationally can be entered. The artist may interpret and convey the theme either as representational, metaphorical, symbolic, or abstract.
Photographic Prints must be mounted using mat board (black or white mat only) and backing board and must not exceed 40cm x 50cm, including the mount.
Prints must be firmly attached to mounting. No coloured mount/or framed photos will be accepted. Please ensure mount sizing is correct as an incorrect mount may result in rejection of the work.
9. Entrants The Dardanup Arts Spectacular reserves the right to reproduce images of all artworks for promotional and marketing purposes.
10. Bank Details are required for payment of prizes and sales. Entry forms must be lodged electronically and require the artist’s endorsement of conditions and full payment before entry can be accepted.
11. Sale of works. All entries must be for sale (except for student artists where sale is optional).
12. Commission. Commission is 25% of the catalogue listed price. If registered for the GST, the GST component must be included. Artists must seek their own advice from the ATO if they are unsure as to whether they are liable for GST.
13. To qualify as an Emerging Dardanup artist you must:
- be a resident in the Shire of Dardanup
- have not been part of a major art exhibition in a commercial or public gallery
- you have not previously won an award in this category
- you only occasionally sell your art
- you do not teach art and you are yet to be a nationally recognised as an artist.
14. Secondary School Dardanup Artists must be of secondary school age and resident in the Dardanup Shire.
15. Primary School Dardanup Artists must be of primary school age and resident in the Dardanup Shire.
16. Number of entries. Artists may submit up to 2 entries. Artists residing in the Shire of Dardanup may submit up to 3 entries.
17. A work may be rejected (entry fee not refunded) if:
- work is not thoroughly dry
- work is not ready to hang with cord, wire and D-rings as shown here and here.
- free-standing work is not balanced and stable
- work is deemed unsuitable for public exhibition
- work exceeds size or weight constraints outlined in 18
- work cannot be displayed safely
- work incorporating electrical components is not certified as safe (tagged and tested)
- work is mass produced
18. Size/Weight.
- Paintings, drawings and prints must be no larger than 105cm wide x 105cm high (Including frame).
- 2D artwork should not exceed 5kg. Heavier pieces may be accepted at the discretion of the curator.
- All entries must be clearly labelled on the reverse with artist’s name, title of the work and contact details. Identification labels will be sent to you automatically by email when you lodge your entry form and these must be securely fixed to the back.
- 3D works should not be larger than 2 metres in any direction. Larger pieces may be accepted at the discretion of the curator.
- The installation of extremely heavy or complex pieces must be discussed with the curator.
- Multi-panel exhibits [Diptych/triptych] must meet overall size constraints outlined above and be priced and offered for sale as a unit and clearly indicated as such on the entry form.
19. Insurance. All reasonable care will be taken with submitted works. The Shire of Dardanup or the Dardanup Arts Inc Organising Committee will not be responsible for loss or damage to exhibits, or for charges incurred in the delivery or return of entries. Entrants are responsible for arranging their own insurance.
Unclaimed works. All works that remain unclaimed after the closing of the exhibition become the property of Dardanup Arts Inc to be sold, or otherwise disposed of at the discretion of the Dardanup Art Spectacular Committee. Organisers are not responsible for repacking artwork for pick up.
20. Dates for 2025
- Monday 24th February 2025 – Entries open
- Monday 24th March 2025 – Entries close 11.59pm Western Standard Time
- Tuesday 1st April 2025: Works to be delivered to the Dardanup Hall 9am-6pm
- Friday 4th April 2025 – Exhibition Opening Night (7pm)
- Saturday 5th April 2025 and Sunday 6th April 2025 – Exhibition in Dardanup Hall (9am-6pm)
- Sun 6th April 2025 – Works to be picked up (4pm-5pm) from Dardanup Hall. No works can be collected before closing time (4pm) Identification (and authorisation where applicable) will be required before works are released.
- Saturday 5th April 2025 and Sunday 6th April 2025: Art Trail open in the Dardanup townsite and Ferguson Valley (see individual venues in Ferguson Valley for their opening times)
21. Entry fees for artists Entry fee is non-refundable. Entry is not confirmed until payment is received.
- Standard entry fee: $25 per piece
- Emerging artist (see 13 above): $20 per piece
- School student (see 14 and 15 above): $10 per piece
22. Selection and judges decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into.
22. Art Acceptance The Committee reserves the right to reject work that fails to meet a satisfactory standard of presentation or any works deemed to be offensive or otherwise inappropriate.